The Blogger Recognition Award

Hey, y’all! I’ve been nominated for an award!

The amazing Lauren over at @Lala’s Book Reviews– who is a total sweetheart – nominated me for The Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you so much, Lauren! And y’all should check out her blog because it’s wonderful!

Now let’s get into it!


  • Thank the blogger/s who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select up to 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment (or pingback) on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How did my blog start?

Okay, so I gave a full story on how my blog began in my 1 Year Blogiversary, but I’ll do it again because I like talking about my blog!

Sometime around the beginning of 2018 I discovered Booktube and fell in love. I watched dozens of videos and I started reading more consistently and reading books the booktubers I was watching recommended to me. I really liked the content they were putting out and I had my own ideas and opinions so I thought…I want to do this too.

I’m horrible with cameras and videos and just imagery in general. So Booktube wasn’t the best idea for me. But in a written format I am more eloquent at least I hope I am and more comfortable.

So one day, I think it was in the week right after some really important exams, I decided hey, let’s give it a shot. I named it Bookaholic’s Therapy so it will have a connection with my plan of becoming a psychologist/therapist. And everything just went forward from there.

I sometimes regret going into it blindly and so quickly. But I know that if I didn’t do it then and started planning and researching instead, I would probably never have had the courage to put myself out there.

I’m really happy with how my blog turned out and how it is doing tho there is always room for improvement.

2 Pieces Of Advice:

1. Find your own style – I know that when you start you’re insecure on your own voice and writing. You see all those big bloggers with their unique voices and content and all you can think about is how can I do that too?

Well, you can’t. You have to do it your way. Use your own voice. I know it seems hard but just relax and let it develop over time. I thought for the longest time that I don’t have an original voice and I’m just bland. But then I had a confidence bust and I was like: you know something? I write the way I want, I’m putting myself out there with every post. And that’s my voice, my original one, the way I am. And that’s good enough.

2. Organize your content – something that I didn’t do back then and I’m still struggling with now is planning and organizing my content. I’m trying to schedule more and post more. Of course, quality beats quantity, but quality quantity beats both. If you want to be successful and don’t measure your success by stats, please you need to stop procrastinating and start writing and posting. For the love of Hera, please don’t let three weeks go between your posts – if you’re not on a hiatus, of course. Sit your ass down and get to work!

That whole advice was basically for myself but oh well


I Nominate:


Thank you so much for reading! And thank you again to Lauren for nominating me!

I hope you all are having a great day! How did YOUR blog start? What advice would you give to new or old bloggers?

9 thoughts on “The Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Our blogs started the same way, Daria! My introduction to the book community was BookTube as well. And I really wanted to have a platform of my own that I could yell about books on, but YouTube didn’t seem to be it. When I found out about book blogs, I immediately jumped at the chance to start one without much thought :”) I’m really happy I decided to start a book blog though, because it’s become such an integral part of my life! And I totally agree with your advice ❤ I regularly have crises about my blogging voice—is it good enough? Is it too boring? And I look at some big book bloggers, and wonder about how I could write more like them. But really, the best option is to be yourself, because 1) it's not fun at all to try to emulate someone in everything you're writing, and 2) audiences can subconsciously tell when you're faking it. Also, I would love to be one of those ~organized bloggers who has, like 56 scheduled post, but no… I almost always write posts last minute. Idk what's wrong with me.
    I loved reading this post so much, and I should really do this award already :))

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oooh, that’s so cool!💕
      I’m so happy you started a blog because it is amazing and I understand the struggles with your blogging voice, but just remember that is great and unique because it’s YOU! I’m happy you enjoyed reading the post and I can’t wait to see yours!🤗

      Liked by 1 person

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